Reiki Treatments

Provided by Laurie Fekecs

REIKI (pronounced Rey-Key) is the transmission of Divine Life Force Energy through a Reiki Practitioner to another person or living thing. The word Reiki means REI (universal) KI (vital life force energy). It produces an environment in your body of well being and health.

Reiki energy has several healing purposes:

  • Healing of the physical body
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Balancing the energy in your organs and tissues
  • Can shift emotional states (excellent for anxiety relief and depression)
  • Relieve pain anywhere in your body
  • Induces relaxation
  • Can help heal scar tissue in your body
  • ….and much more

Reiki does not conflict with any other health care modality or practices. It will not interfere with any conventional medical treatment, and in fact it has been shown to actually enhance their results. It is a gentle energy and cannot do any harm.

A treatment typically lasts about an hour and you will leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. If you are interested in booking a Reiki session, schedule an appointment online or email Laurie. For more information about Laurie, click here.