Tag Archive for: Energetics

Herbal Energetics, Bev McLeish Chartered Herbalist Herbal North Aurora York Region Out of the Woods Wellness in Aurora

The practice of energetics is almost as old as herbal medicine. It has been practiced for thousands of years around the globe, but what exactly is it?

The general idea behind energetics is body balance or homeostasis.  This idea is connected to the herbalist belief that the body can heal itself. That it will do whatever it can to even out its internal processes to come back to its original state of health/balance. Energetics is a method we use to view what’s going on inside the body to help it return to its normal state using herbs.

How the Ancients Viewed Disease

Long ago, disease was seen as a sign that the body was experiencing internal disharmony or imbalance. Symptoms weren’t seen as the problem, but pointed to how the body had to contort itself to continue to function. It was believed that disease, or dis-ease, occurs when one organ isn’t functioning properly. Another organ or function in the body starts to overwork or stops working altogether to compensate instead. Once this happens we start to see or experience symptoms that create pain or discomfort for us.

The symptoms themselves weren’t necessarily seen as the problem but as a sign post or a red flag that communicated what might be going on in the body so that the source of the symptoms could be addressed. The body and disease are seen holistically when using energetics.

The Six Tissue States

Traditional medicines use various ways to understand the body’s language and help the body make the internal adjustment back to health. In those days, we all trusted the plants and our bodies to be on our side. We believed that our body and plant remedies could be trusted and worked together to help us regain a healthy state. We saw these entities as sources of great intelligence.

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Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North