Cyclical Consumerism & Holding Corporations Accountable
You may wonder why I write such potentially inflammatory or politically charged blog posts. Maybe your idea of an herbalist is a smiling lady in her garden making meals, teas and DIY products to sell at our local market or fair.
Yeah, that’s not me.
Herbalists nowadays are pretty political. Don’t get me wrong, we would LOVE to be in our garden or deep in the forest harvesting and hanging out with the trees but the current climate prevents us from doing so.
We notice the trees and forests are farther and fewer in between while mc-mansions sprout up faster than dandelions. We see our familiar plant stands disappear before we get a chance to blink because there are too many of us to practice any semblance of ethical wild crafting (harvesting plants from their natural habitat).
As nature lovers and as individuals who truly understand how the earth supports us while we destroy her, we’re pretty angry. We’re also devastated because we know we participate in a culture that claims they see the value in an ecosystem and then look quietly away while we decimate it.
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Bev McLeish
Chartered Herbalist
Herbal North