Entries by rosewoodva

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Awareness Equals Choice

Distraction In my last blog I talked about how distractions such as Netflix, social media, online shopping, alcohol and so forth turn us away from the brilliant array of awareness that have come forward for us during this pandemic. Awareness with regards to how we interact with ourselves, each other, other living species and our […]

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The Dangers of Distraction

Interconnection The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us many things as it relates to virus transmission. It has also shone a light on the degree to which we are all interconnected, both to each other and to the mother earth. How we choose to interact with each other and with nature has proven to have a […]

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A Shift in Plans

I am a planner. I have a long-term, detailed plan for all aspects of my life; work, travel, health, finances. What has secretly driven me to become such an excellent planner is my naturally anxious state. My plans give me ease and assurances when my nervousness is heightened. I review them, re-write them and imagine […]

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From Fear to Courage

There is a lot of fear running through the world right now, and you are most likely feeling some of it yourself. Fear is such a powerful emotion. It can paralyze us even in the good times and block us from our health, wealth, well-being, and connections to others and even ourselves. I believe that […]

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Keeping Our Cool in These Stressful Times

At times such as these, our life is uncertain and each day we are exposed to additional information about the health of our world, communities and families. It is important that we resist reacting and instead we consciously choose to calmly respond. What is Reacting? While react and respond are similar words, they mean completely […]

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Do you believe that life is a struggle and that you have to fight to get what you want? Do you worry about losing control of your health, wealth, relationships and career? If you said yes to either of these questions, this may be because you have a strong belief that is holding you back […]

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Best Stress Management Techniques

It is hard to cope with stressful situations, especially when they happen on a regular basis. Over the long term, stress can have devastating impacts to one’s overall health. This can in turn lead to heart disease, unhealthy levels of cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Finding ways that you can deal with stress so that […]

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Living with Anxiety

Most people experience feelings of anxiety before an important event such as a big exam, business presentation or first date. Stress in this type of situation is normal and it is a proportional reaction to an external pressure. Most people will experience some form of anxiousness in their lives and for the majority, the feelings […]


How Journaling Can Help Anxiousness

As someone who actively manages her anxiety every day, journaling has become one of my must-do activities. I find it both easy and fun to do. It relieves my level of stress as well as works though my anxious feelings and thoughts. When anxiety shows up, typically I am ruminating, and my thoughts are going […]