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Supporting Your Dosha, Supporting Your Health

Ayurveda and herbal medicine - What doshas are you? Bev McLeish, Certified Herbalist with Herbal North in aurora

As we discussed last time, our bodies are not all made the same and an ancient, medical tradition still in practice today, called Ayurveda has isolated three different types of body constitutions called Doshas, Kapha, Pitta and Vata.

These constitutions stem from the belief that our body contains three dynamics of the universal life force and they combine in the body slightly differently each time. What is useful is that Ayurveda also provides the types of diets we should be following based on our predominant dosha.

VATA – The Air Element

Food and personal habits that nourish, ground and moisten are key for this dosha. In order to keep the nervous system working in top condition and to ensure the body remains balanced. Like the mountaineers in the image above, Vata’s tend toward dry, cold, weakness, tension and sensitivity, so they need a nourishing, strengthening diet.

Eating spices like garlic, salt, cumin, fennel, cardamom, cinnamon and coriander help Vata people warm up their core. Gentle massages using heavy oils, like sesame or almond, on a regular basis help to keep tension at bay, increase circulation and keep the nervous system calm.

Consider practicing meditation and letting go of bad thoughts or memories you have already successfully moved past. Adequate sleep with no late nights, mild exercise while filtering social media, tv or news also works to keep the nervous system calm. Vatas should avoid overwork, overthinking, excessive talking/noise and too much travel. These activities keep the nervous system in overdrive, something that easily happens in Vata people.

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Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North