I wish I got asked this question more often. Most people think herbs are easy to understand and easy to take because they grew up immersed in a Western mindset when it comes to substances that affect the body. They think of natural remedies as safe because they’re gentle and not as strong as medicinal […]
My last blog discussed why people are afraid of change. Why they opt to stay stuck, rather than push forward toward a new version of themselves. Feelings of discomfort, uncertainty, fear of criticism or failure were the main culprits. Now that we recognize why we resist change so much, the next question is how do […]
We are only a few weeks away from the scariest of all nights of the year, Halloween. Although we joke and jest about Halloween, and the traditional acts of scaring others by dressing up as witches and warlocks, fear is not a joking matter for many. Fear is a real and daily demon. Anxiety is […]