herbalism and herbal medicine support in the body - holistic health services aurora

As we get close to Mother’s Day, I thought it would be fun to continue focusing on the feminine and let you in on an interesting link between the ancient perspectives of women and scientific fact.

A woman’s lifespan that took her from child hood, to motherhood, to old age was considered a holy trinity, revered thousands of years ago.

Ancient societies around the globe felt that a woman’s lifecycle was holy and that each stage should be respected. I’ve provided a brief description of each below and together they paint a picture of what we now refer to as the Triple Goddess.

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Bev McLeish - Chartered Herbalist Aurora - Out of the Woods Wellness, Herbal North



Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North

how herbs works bev mcleish out of the woods wellness herbal north york region

As I continue my practice, I’ve noticed that it’s been difficult for some of my clients to understand the difference between plants and the conventional medication we’re so used to taking.

As a result, the mind shift I went through is something I try to my clients with as well, so they can understand how plants work and how they are fundamentally different from drugs.

Let’s Talk About Plants

Herbs contain a multitude of chemicals and unlike medication, they don’t consist of one concentrated substance. Plant substances can number in the thousands and they all enter the body and work together to offer some of the elements the body needs to bring itself back into balance.

This is why plants take time and work gently. It takes a while for the body to become unbalanced and so it may take a while for the body to recover on its own naturally.

When something takes time to heal it usually means that the healing is thorough. Think of the difference between sleeping for 8-10 hours to become fully rested or drinking a coffee in 10 minutes to get an immediate boost. The sleep will be more productive and enduring in the long run.

Herbalist Principles

Herbalists have strong beliefs about the human body and the ways in which herbs work. We’ve developed these beliefs from collective experience spanning hundreds of years.

1. The Body Responds to Illness as a Whole – this is the premise behind all Holistic medicine. When we get a headache it doesn’t necessarily mean that the cause for the headache resides in the head. There are many reasons for headaches; diet, the liver, the digestive tract, muscular tension or your sleeping routine to name a few. It’s important to find out the underlying cause and not simply suppress head pain by treating the only body part that hurts.

2. Symptoms are the Language of the Body – Herbalists see symptoms as a language the body uses to tell us when it’s out of balance. We will pay very close attention to how you experience your symptom(s) and to the other organ systems within your body to determine the source of the problem.

3. The Body Is Intelligent & Hard Wired to Heal – The body is our greatest ally and it wants to heal itself from any conditions with which it may be afflicted. The body is more intelligent than current science and any practitioner that attempts to help it. Herbalists believe the body knows what it needs and how to use it once it gets it.

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Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North

the digital age Karen Spencer it can be different out of the woods wellness york region - life coaching and nlp services - negative self talk Aurora

Am I addicted to my technology? It’s a question I asked myself the other day. I noticed that I was never without at least one device in my hands. The next question was why is that? And what reaction was it causing in me?

A Social Norm Gone Too Far?

As a society, we are tied to our devices, night and day. When was the last time you saw someone without their phone in their hand? Chiropractors are reporting an elevated rate of patients with neck problems due to the constant head down posture brought on by screen time. Now add on the general stress level of the times we are living in. Life is moving faster than ever before in history. Expected response times to emails have gone down, from a couple of days a decade ago to a couple of minutes today.

Humans can only absorb so much stress before it boils over, turning into anxiety. So, it is vital to learn what your warning signs are and understand your triggers.

Keeping Up with the Social Media Jones’

After recognizing that I was addicted to my technology, I also came to realize that it was a potential anxiety trigger for me. I noticed that when I would look at social media sites I tended to feel ‘less than.’ These feelings quite naturally increased my anxiety.

Recent studies have shown that over fifty-five per cent of people have a negative reaction when looking at pictures of others online. These images evoke feelings of jealousy, envy, low self-esteem and competitiveness. There is also an expectation to keep up with the latest viral sensations and live news reports, to stay ‘in the know.’ This ability to access news about disasters and death twenty-four hours a day easily heightens anxiety.

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Karen Spencer

Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Coach, Master Time Line Therapy® Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist

It Can Be Different

traditional medication and anxiety it can be different karen spencer nlp york region

Often I am asked what I think about anxiety medication, and if I believe it is the answer to eliminating anxiety. Whenever this happens, I always tell my story about what medication did and did not do for me.

Help When I Needed It

During the period of my life when I was suffering from chronic anxiety, unable to cut the cycle of fear and perceived danger everywhere, I turned to medication. Both my doctor and counselor at the time suggested that, based on my symptoms, medication was the only course of action that made sense for me:

  • The persistent ‘On’ position of my mind was putting pressure on my kidneys, heart and other organs.
  • My negative thinking was causing negative hormones like cortisol to flood my body, resulting in super-elevated heart rate and sleep deprivation.

The doctor told me how important it was not to underestimate the effects that chronic anxiety can have on one’s health; both short-term and long term.

My Anxiety “Aha” Moment: Time to Seek Treatment

The particular incident that led me to take anxiety medication was when I began to behave with obsessive tendencies. I was scheduled to go visit my daughter in the UK but the thought of the long flight was bringing on panic and claustrophobia. I was seriously considering not being able to endure the flight. And I was fretting about how I would hold my composure while confined on the plane. Flying had never been a problem for me before, however now my anxiety was taking that pleasure away from me. And the thought of not being able to see my daughter was too much for me to bear. I needed to do something.

I am eternally grateful to my doctor and counsellor for their advice regarding medication. It got me out of my downward anxiety spiral, and set me back on the path to life. I believe it may have even saved my life. It had its place and it did what it was supposed to do, alleviating my anxiety in a crisis situation. Calming me down, it allowed me to reclaim control of my life.

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Karen Spencer

Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Coach, Master Time Line Therapy® Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist

It Can Be Different

what can an herbalist help with - when to see an herbalist bev mcleish herbal north york region aurora

I wish I got asked this question more often.

Most people think herbs are easy to understand and easy to take because they grew up immersed in a Western mindset when it comes to substances that affect the body. They think of natural remedies as safe because they’re gentle and not as strong as medicinal drugs. At the same time, they view plants as if they are single substances all to themselves, when nothing could be further from the truth. For instance, many believe when you take an herb labelled for a specific condition it will only work on that condition and a particular part of the body. In addition, many believe that if an herb doesn’t work for them then it doesn’t work for anyone with that condition. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The reality is that herbs are multifaceted. They contain many chemicals and constituents which work on more than one condition simultaneously. Because there is more to them than one dimension, herbs can work for someone’s joint pain and not another’s. I’ll be touching more on this in next month’s blog.

The main point I am trying to make here is that just because an herb doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean plants are not going to be helpful to you and your situation. This is the very reason why there are herbalists out there. And why some herbs work for some people and not for others.

Small Stuff

When it isn’t serious and happens infrequently, go ahead and use plant remedies for:

  • Colds & Flus
  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Aches & Pains
  • Cramps

If there is an issue that has been bothering you for a while or the herb you used did not help or seemed to make things worse, reach out for an herbalist.

We are specially trained to determine which plant would make the best impact based on what you are experiencing – and there are thousands of plants out there.


When It’s Time to See an Herbalist

If you have any kind of longstanding, chronic or repetitive issue, you should see a medical practitioner. This is to ensure it does not progress into something dangerous; or points to something more problematic going on inside your body.

That being said, plant remedies can do a lot to alleviate discomfort. And can help with any condition the body cooks up.

Menstrual cramps, headaches, long-term insomnia, musculoskeletal pain, digestive issues and nervous system issues are all conditions where herbs can provide a lot of support.

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Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North

get past your fear of change it can be different karen spencer york region nlp

My last blog discussed why people are afraid of change. Why they opt to stay stuck, rather than push forward toward a new version of themselves. Feelings of discomfort, uncertainty, fear of criticism or failure were the main culprits. Now that we recognize why we resist change so much, the next question is how do we get past those feelings and start moving forward differently?

I have had some major times in my life where I knew that I needed to change, and change BIG, in order to get out of the mess I was in and to get to some place better. But I was scared of making those changes. I didn’t jump into the sea of change right away. I dodged and darted, avoiding what my intuition was telling me for months, even years. It was only when my life got so unhappy and unbearable that I accepted the challenge to make changes. I highly recommend not waiting to embrace change until life gets overwhelming like I did. It leads to chaos, many sleepless nights, and unrelenting anxiety.

I realize that choosing to stay right where you are, doing exactly what you’ve been doing, can provide temporary relief. You won’t need to worry about all of the “what-if…” scenarios. You won’t have the unknown future staring you in the face. But, if you never embrace change, especially the changes you know deep in your heart you need to make, then you will never know what might have been. And isn’t that scarier than the fear of change?

I have listed below six steps that will help you face change more easily in your life.

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Karen Spencer

Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Coach, Master Time Line Therapy® Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist

It Can Be Different

do autumn differently anxiety disorders and natural solutions for anxiety it can be different out of the woods wellness karen spencer aurora

Autumn Is On The Way

Can you feel the change in the air? My mother always used to ask me this around this time of the year. And she was right. There is a shift in the air at this time of year. Somehow, it feels less intense outside, even though temperatures can still reach as high as they did at the peak of the summer. There is a coolness that catches you every once in a while.  Sleeping at night is easier. Windows can be open and we do not need to rely incessantly on our air conditioners. All of these signs point directly to the return of children to school and for us adults, the return to a more routine way of life. Even for those of us who either do not have children, or have children that are grown and done with the school system, the approach of autumn means a return to a way of life that is usually more stressed and more demanding. The long days of summer, with their “whatever” attitude, are starting to pack their bags and head to more southerly regions.

Do Autumn Differently This Year

For some, the return to the regular routine of life means the return to the familiar feelings of stress and anxiety. But what if we enter autumn differently this year, and avoid those unwanted feelings altogether?

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Karen Spencer

Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Coach, Master Time Line Therapy® Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist

It Can Be Different

Accomplishments, Karen Spencer NLP It Can Be Different Aurora York Region, Out of the Woods Wellness

Did you wake up last week like, “How has over half of the year already passed?” Did you have a bit of a panic regarding all the things you wanted to accomplish in 2018 that don’t seem to be hitting the finish line? Well, I did.  I have big plans for this year, which is very exciting and sometimes frightening. I live however, by the mantra, if you don’t have a goal, you can be certain you won’t achieve it. So, why not put it out there? Put that dream, accomplishment, or achievement on a piece of paper (yes, I’m still old school) and go for it.

I often think of hockey players and wonder if they could stay motivated and driven to play their very best if they were just shooting and passing the puck around. What if there was no net, no goal, no point to be earned? Once you stick that net on the ice, there is a whole new motivation. So, my goalie net is my to do list.

And now for a confession. I love, love, love crossing things off my list! I love the feel of the big black sharpie (yes, I use a sharpie!) making a thick, black horizontal line across the page. I also love the sense of accomplishment and completion when this is done. I’ll let you in on a little secret … sometimes, I put things on my list I’ve already completed just so I can cross them off. Wow, that was huge for me to admit!

It’s the Journey, Not the Destination that is Important

The other day I was thinking about my lists, and where I’ve gotten with them so far this year and I had an epiphany. I had totally forgotten that it is about the journey and not the destination. I hadn’t taken any time to celebrate what I had already completed.  I had simply dismissed my accomplishments. I had written them off, forgotten about them.  I wasn’t feeling gratitude for what had already transpired. And then I remembered, if I want more black sharpie lines on my many lists I need to STOP focusing on what is next, and START feeling appreciative for what I’ve already done. I needed to remind myself that gratitude is the strongest form of sustaining momentum and flow.

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Karen Spencer

Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Coach, Master Time Line Therapy® Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist

It Can Be Different



How to Shake Off a Bad Mood and Anxiety releases, Karen Spencer NLP It Can Be Different, Aurora, York Region

Do you ever feel your bad mood is just impossible to shake off?  That it seems as if it has a grip on you and is out of your control?  Positive thinking and affirmations are just not working to move past this bad mood?

Why is this?  Why is it that sometime our moods are resistant to our positive thinking?

Well, there are two components to a mood.  Firstly, there is your thinking, which includes your mental images and self-talk. Secondly, there is your physiology.  By physiology, I do not just mean your posture, but your entire body.  These two components feed each other, and each strengthens the other.  It is like a back and forth relationship.This means that you have to change both your thinking and your physiology to get out of a bad mood

Why Does Positive Thinking Alone Sometimes Just Not Work?

I bet you have heard the saying that you just need to think positive thoughts to get out of a bad mood.  Many of us who want to have a positive outlook and truly believe in the benefits of being positive are spending a lot of time and energy attempting to think positive thoughts as a way to manage our moods.  So, we make sure that we imagine happy encounters, scenarios, outcomes and interactions.  And then we say to ourselves: “cheer up, look on the bright side, there is always a lesson in everything”.

Now if a fairly strong negative mood has a grip on us and it has lasted days or even just hours, then this positive thinking and self-talk is just not going to have much of an impact.  The reason is that the physiology of the mood is too powerful.

That is why, once we recognize that our positive thinking is not working, we often just give up. This allows the negative mood to just keep going.

However, when positive thinking alone is not working, it simply means that we are not going about it in the right way.

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Karen Spencer

Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Coach, Master Time Line Therapy® Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist

It Can Be Different


Legalizition of Marijuana, Bev McLeish, Herbal North, Out of the Woods Wellness Aurora

Just like everything else, the legalization of cannabis and its various product derivatives brings both positives and negatives. My perspective as an Herbalist is unique. I work with natural plants every day to help people with their physical concerns. So it probably goes without saying that my opinion will differ from the majority.

Here’s my take on this development and my advice to any who may wish to experiment with these new products.

On the Positive Side…

With this new change in legislation, society is starting to reflect a more open mindset. The idea that the natural world can’t be trusted is eroding away. Ten short years ago, cannabis was seen as an enemy to civilized society, something only the young or rebellious would use. Two decades ago, the idea that we would legalize marijuana was laughable.

Since then we’ve done a lot of changing and we are now starting to recognize that there are viable natural alternatives to address our health concerns. This shift is small but mighty and I believe it’s just a matter of time before other plants finally see their day in the sun.

Once the majority agrees that one plant can support our well-being and quality of life without the scary side effects of man-made drugs, it’s just a matter of time before other plants receive their much due recognition. This is the reason why we’ve used plants for health for thousands of years.

It’s Not All Rosy Though

Being an herbalist, you’d think I would praise CBD, cannabis and marijuana from the rooftops as the next best thing. I won’t. In fact, I have to admit I get a little angry when I see people who don’t know anything about plants selling CBD oil and saying everyone should be taking it.

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Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North