herbalism and herbal medicine support in the body - holistic health services aurora

As we get close to Mother’s Day, I thought it would be fun to continue focusing on the feminine and let you in on an interesting link between the ancient perspectives of women and scientific fact.

A woman’s lifespan that took her from child hood, to motherhood, to old age was considered a holy trinity, revered thousands of years ago.

Ancient societies around the globe felt that a woman’s lifecycle was holy and that each stage should be respected. I’ve provided a brief description of each below and together they paint a picture of what we now refer to as the Triple Goddess.

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Bev McLeish - Chartered Herbalist Aurora - Out of the Woods Wellness, Herbal North



Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North

Traditions of Females in Herbal Medicine, natural medicine roots with Herbalist Bev McLeish at Out of the Woods Wellness in Aurora

Although women have been compared to the earth and the powers of creation for thousands of years, there are some other, very tangible reasons why women have an intimate and inextricable connection to the planet and specifically, plants.

Some Obvious Reasons

It makes perfect sense really as both the planet and women have the ability to create life and multiply. We can also feed others from our bodies and provide the love and nurturing that supports life.

Our cycles also mimic those of the moon and we gravitate to qualities like cooperation, interconnectedness and sacrifice, all characteristics we see in nature.

But what’s been lost is how women themselves felt about the environment, how we worked with it to grow food for our families and how we tended the sick as an everyday part of our life.

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Bev McLeish - Chartered Herbalist Aurora - Out of the Woods Wellness, Herbal North



Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North

Old Fashioned Ideas for Valentine's Day, Show Your Love, Relationships, Wellness Centre Aurora

Having been married for twenty years, I realize how tough it can be to inject fun and excitement into a long standing relationship. After years have gone by, a kind of comfort and complacency settles in and we fall into a routine that seems impossible to break.

You know your partner so well that you both play a role set in stone years ago making days like Valentine’s day habit.

This blog is all about how you could create some spontaneity and excitement while creating a Valentine’s day to remember.

For those of you going through a hard time in this department right now, please see the end of the blog for workshop details you may be interested in.

The number one thing when it comes to introducing variety and fun is to add an element of surprise. And finally, this is when having a long term relationship serves as an advantage.

Surprise them!

Do something out of the ordinary. In one day you could do two or three of these things and score big.

  • If you are not the chef of the house, cook them dinner.
  • Show up at their work with a coffee.
  • Take them to lunch on a whim.
  • Run an errand you know they had to do but dreaded doing.
  • Buy them something they need but keep forgetting to pick up (for instance, I would be very happy to have my partner put new windshield wipers on my car so that I don’t have to fuss over it).

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Bev McLeish - Chartered Herbalist Aurora - Out of the Woods Wellness, Herbal North



Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North

self care movement bev mcleish herbal north out of the woods wellness in Aurora, york region

As someone who is in the wellness industry and who has lost a decade of her life to depression, I deeply understand how important self-care is to our mental state.

In this world, with its panic-stricken days full of rush and bustle, where adrenaline and production at any cost are prized over serenity, our mental health would collapse without caring for ourselves in some way, shape or form.

But lately I’ve struggled with the overwhelming influx of self-care posts being shared, particularly on Facebook.

It may be due to the fact that I am in the wellness industry and I have multiple contacts that support and help people in various ways, but whenever I scroll through my newsfeed these sheer amount of these posts overwhelm me and I start to get upset.

It took me a while to figure out why but then it occurred to me that my newsfeed read like a list of commands:

  • Be kind.
  • Listen to your heart.
  • Read more books.
  • Join more groups.
  • Get active.
  • Change and the world changes with you.
  • Gratitude brings more of what you’re thankful for.
  • Be this.
  • Do that.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. These phrases are great to a certain extent but they don’t really tell you anything you don’t already know.

We’re all adults here. We get it. Most of us have already read, seen or heard about the Law of Attraction. Although great in theory, the Law of Attraction hasn’t done much for folks. At least for the folks I know.

After all, the universe contains many different laws and these work simultaneously. One of which is that opposites attract! For example, males are attracted to females, and vice versa. Which is why we’re all here in the first place right?

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Bev McLeish - Chartered Herbalist Aurora - Out of the Woods Wellness, Herbal North



Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North


New Years slow down time Karen Spencer it can be different out of the woods wellness york region

I have a lofty goal for 2019. I want to make time slow down. You may be thinking that I’ve had a little too much spiked eggnog over the holidays, sadly I did not. I have however, been thinking about this goal for a long time and I realize that it is not as “impossible” as it may seem. Let me explain.  

When I was a kid time seemed limitless. Everyday passed by very slowly. The days leading up to Christmas seemed to drag. Summer vacation was painfully long and I couldn’t wait to go back to school to see my friends. I’ve always been curious about why these feelings have left me as I’ve gotten older. Why is it that since I’ve grown up, time seems to have sped up? 

I have come to realize that it all boils down to perception. Sadly, by the time we are seven years old, half of our perceived life is over. That is why it is so common to hear (and say), “I can’t believe it is (insert any month of the year) already?” 

So how can I change my perception of time so that it actually feels like it’s slowing down? 

Reintroduce Newness 

One of the reasons time seems so slow for children is that all of their experiences are new. As we age, our experiences tend to become routine and as a result our brain begins to blur them together. However, the good news is that it doesn’t matter what age we are, trying something new wakes up the brain. So, this year I am going to try to do something new every week. Ideas that I’ve already considered are: trying new recipes, driving new routes, and learning to knit.  

Practice Curiosity 

Curiosity is a muscle, if we don’t use it, we will lose it. Being curious means clearing your mind of preconceived notions, assumptions and any strongly held habits. Here is the test I took to check on the state of my curiosity – How many uses of a shoe can I imagine? I could only come up with twelve. Truly curious people can think of hundreds! And, curiosity is key to slowing down time, because using our minds for creation allows us to be in the present moment. Being in the moment means that we are not jumping into the future and fantasizing about how we’d like things to go, or delving into the past and focusing about how things were. In the present moment, time stands still.  

So what can I do to become curious again in 2019?

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Karen Spencer

Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Coach, Master Time Line Therapy® Practitioner, Master Hypnotherapist

It Can Be Different


what can an herbalist help with - when to see an herbalist bev mcleish herbal north york region aurora

I wish I got asked this question more often.

Most people think herbs are easy to understand and easy to take because they grew up immersed in a Western mindset when it comes to substances that affect the body. They think of natural remedies as safe because they’re gentle and not as strong as medicinal drugs. At the same time, they view plants as if they are single substances all to themselves, when nothing could be further from the truth. For instance, many believe when you take an herb labelled for a specific condition it will only work on that condition and a particular part of the body. In addition, many believe that if an herb doesn’t work for them then it doesn’t work for anyone with that condition. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The reality is that herbs are multifaceted. They contain many chemicals and constituents which work on more than one condition simultaneously. Because there is more to them than one dimension, herbs can work for someone’s joint pain and not another’s. I’ll be touching more on this in next month’s blog.

The main point I am trying to make here is that just because an herb doesn’t work for you doesn’t mean plants are not going to be helpful to you and your situation. This is the very reason why there are herbalists out there. And why some herbs work for some people and not for others.

Small Stuff

When it isn’t serious and happens infrequently, go ahead and use plant remedies for:

  • Colds & Flus
  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Aches & Pains
  • Cramps

If there is an issue that has been bothering you for a while or the herb you used did not help or seemed to make things worse, reach out for an herbalist.

We are specially trained to determine which plant would make the best impact based on what you are experiencing – and there are thousands of plants out there.


When It’s Time to See an Herbalist

If you have any kind of longstanding, chronic or repetitive issue, you should see a medical practitioner. This is to ensure it does not progress into something dangerous; or points to something more problematic going on inside your body.

That being said, plant remedies can do a lot to alleviate discomfort. And can help with any condition the body cooks up.

Menstrual cramps, headaches, long-term insomnia, musculoskeletal pain, digestive issues and nervous system issues are all conditions where herbs can provide a lot of support.

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Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North

Ayurveda and herbal medicine - What doshas are you? Bev McLeish, Certified Herbalist with Herbal North in aurora

As we discussed last time, our bodies are not all made the same and an ancient, medical tradition still in practice today, called Ayurveda has isolated three different types of body constitutions called Doshas, Kapha, Pitta and Vata.

These constitutions stem from the belief that our body contains three dynamics of the universal life force and they combine in the body slightly differently each time. What is useful is that Ayurveda also provides the types of diets we should be following based on our predominant dosha.

VATA – The Air Element

Food and personal habits that nourish, ground and moisten are key for this dosha. In order to keep the nervous system working in top condition and to ensure the body remains balanced. Like the mountaineers in the image above, Vata’s tend toward dry, cold, weakness, tension and sensitivity, so they need a nourishing, strengthening diet.

Eating spices like garlic, salt, cumin, fennel, cardamom, cinnamon and coriander help Vata people warm up their core. Gentle massages using heavy oils, like sesame or almond, on a regular basis help to keep tension at bay, increase circulation and keep the nervous system calm.

Consider practicing meditation and letting go of bad thoughts or memories you have already successfully moved past. Adequate sleep with no late nights, mild exercise while filtering social media, tv or news also works to keep the nervous system calm. Vatas should avoid overwork, overthinking, excessive talking/noise and too much travel. These activities keep the nervous system in overdrive, something that easily happens in Vata people.

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Bev McLeish

Chartered Herbalist

Herbal North